iRainbow Inc. Apps

香蕉直播 1.1.4
iRainbow Inc.
香蕉直播 —— 剥出自己!Be Yourself!1、Aloha 制造:万千直播平台中的宇宙美丽旗舰店2、全民开秀:芸芸众生中你自己就是不一样的烟火3、激爽好礼:别具深意的定制礼物撩到主播欲仙欲死4、多元平台:管他天菜男神还是怪咖谐星都各有一方天地5、百变有料:层出不穷的奇趣活动让你high到喘不上气不论你是男神还是路人,网红还是谐星,年轻还是成熟,高矮还是胖瘦,香蕉直播都致力为你搭建一个崇尚多元价值取向的崭新直播平台,在这里,忘掉外界的纷纷扰扰,你可以酣畅淋漓的做自己,一键开播,别具性格的真实自己让你也是生活中的明星。功能亮点:一键直播:没有繁复的开播流程和个人好恶的偏见眼光,人人都有秀出真我的权利。新人自荐:不设置顶卡,充值即可,轻松满足每个独一无二的自己被更多人看到的冀望。低价好礼:一毛钱可送跑车城堡,体验做土豪的快感不再是遥不可及的梦想。缤纷活动:男神与奇葩一视同仁,丰富活动聚集形形色色才貌双全之人,有你好看。在香蕉直播,剥出自己,Be Yourself!微信公众号:香蕉直播官方网站:http://mrbanana.comBanana Live - strippingout yourself! Be Yourself!1, Aloha manufacture: thousands live platform in the universebeautiful flagship store2, all the people open the show: your own face in the crowd is notthe same fireworks3, Zest Gifts: deeper meaning to stitch custom gift anchorYuxianyusi4, multi-platform: day cares or vegetable gods have their owncomedian freak party world5, there is material Variety: Trolltech endless activities to makeyou high breathWhether you are a man of God or passers-by, red or networkcomedian, young or mature, tall, short, fat, thin, or, bananas arecommitted to live for you to build a pluralistic value orientationadvocating new live platform, here, forget the chaos outside, youhearty can do it yourself, a key launch, the unique character oftheir own real life so that you are the star.Feature Highlights:A key live: no complicated process and the launch of personallikes and dislikes prejudices vision, everyone has really showedoff my right.Newcomers to introduce ourselves: do not set the top card, youcan recharge easily meet each unique in that he was hoping to seemore people.Cheap Gifts: sports car can be sent to a dime castle, experiencethe thrill of doing Tyrant is no longer a distant dream.Fun Activities: Male God and equally wonderful, rich eventbrought together all kinds of people endowed with both, you have agood-looking.Live in bananas, peel their own, Be Yourself!Micro-channel public number: Banana LiveOfficial website: http: //
面基 - 同志一对一视频交友社区 1.0.4
iRainbow Inc.
全新的网络视频聊天模式,面基带给你刺激的零距离视频约会体验是帅哥鲜肉忠犬呆萌还是男神网红路人谐星一键开启“面基”,匹配互动High翻天特色功能真实视频:实时视频加美颜功能,跟照骗说再见!从现在做起!简单高效:红包打赏功能,喜欢不吝啬,匹配成功无限liao!安全私密:不喜欢就拒绝,人性又任性!收获幸福:聊得来,颜值高,还有红包惊喜在等你!让躁动不安的多巴胺来的更实在一些,寻求新颖的刺激。你是否能够找到藏在众多孤星之中的Ta,或者想要多认识些基友?!也许正是因为我们考虑的时间太久,所以错失了太多。在这里,无需太多考虑,想见就见,一触“基”发,享受“面基”带来“基”情四射的快感!!还可以在应用内购买VIP 会员资格享受匹配特权哦!温馨提示:拒绝传播淫秽色情信息,黄暴信息请举报,积极绿化网络环境!The new online video chatmode,Surface of the base gives you stimulate the zero dating experiencevideoStay faithful dog meat is a handsome man or God Meng net redpassers comedianA key to open "side group", the matching interactive HighearthshakingSpecial featureReal Video: real-time video plus beauty features, with photos lieto say goodbye! Start now!Simple and efficient: a red envelope a reward function, like it ornot mean, matching the success of unlimited liao!Private security: do not like to refuse, human andcapricious!Harvesting Happiness: talk to, color value is high, there is a redenvelope surprises waiting for you!Let restless dopamine to some of the more solid, seek newstimulus. Are you able to find hidden in the Lone Star among manyTa, or want to learn more about some group of Friends? ! Perhaps itis because we consider the time too long, so missed too much. Here,without much thought, to see to see, touch a "group" hair, enjoy"side group" bring "group" situation radiance pleasure! ! You canalso purchase a VIP membership to enjoy in the application matchthe privileges Oh!Tips: refuse dissemination of pornographic information, filthyinformation report, positive green network environment!